Alter External Table SF
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    Alter External Table SF

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    Article Summary

    This article is specific to the following platforms - Snowflake.

    Alter External Table

    The Alter External Table component enables users to add or remove files from an external table to increase control over an external table's source data. Additional information about the ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE command in Snowflake can be found via the Snowflake documentation.

    The following file types are supported:

    1. AVRO
    2. CSV
    3. JSON
    4. ORC
    5. PARQUET

    Snowflake Properties

    NameStringA human-readable name for the component.
    DatabaseSelectSelect the Snowflake database. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the database defined in the Matillion ETL environment.
    SchemaSelectSelect the table schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the Matillion ETL environment.
    Target TableSelectSelect the external table to alter. The tables available for selection are dependent on the schema defined in the environment.
    ActionSelectSelect the alteration action for the file specified in the File List property. Users can choose between:
    • Add: adds the specified file to the external table metadata. This is the default setting.
    • Remove: removes the specified file from the external table metadata.
    File ListFile SelectUse the arrow buttons to select which files to be added or removed during the job run.
    Note: As of version 1.51.x of Matillion ETL, this property has replaced the similar property, Filename. The fundamental difference is that File List allows for the selection of multiple files to be added or removed, whereas Filename was limited to a single file per component.